Monday, February 11, 2013

Craig, Alaska, Paso Robles, Northridge, Haiti. . . What's Next???

The 1993 Storm of Century at was the first Official Blizzard Warning ever issued 2 days before a storm! As short range models began to confirm predictions! It was the first time the Weather Service were able to predict the severity FIVE DAYS in advance! This just came up because I was doing my research on the severe winter conditions that preceded the Northridge Earthquake and it took me back to December of 1993, and although the 1993 Storm of the Century was in March that year and not a player in this tectonic activity. . . the prediction of the weather is very much relevant to my own work with, "Precision Earthquake Tracking" because you might recall me having discussed the fact that it wasn't too long ago that we ALSO did not have the ability to predict the WEATHER!!! Enough said, please keep following because we are practically at that point here. . . that the National Weather Service was in the early 1990's. I can still recall not having ANY IDEA AT ALL what a Hurricane was going to do when satellite views and weather radar first came out! Yes, we have very good pictures of these huge storms. . . but no idea at all what way they are going to go or if they are going to strengthen, or weaken and when or how MUCH? Just a big picture or short film clip was the sum total of our Weather Report. We sort of had to just basically just guess. Today it has improved and that is the same sort of work I do with earthquakes. Kind of the same sort of tracking of earthquake energy if you will, and trying to guess what way the earthquake energy is heading and how much it will shake.

40 inches of snow is the biggest snowfall total from the recent huge snowfall in the North East U.S. and although I heard a report of some melting, and had 43 degrees just now here in Wisconsin, I do not know for sure that much of that snowfall total has melted to back off this present major alert that is coming for California and our West Coast, etc. Until then and until I get a complete update written, I have Craig, Alaska and Paso Robles at Day 16 which will be February 25, 2013. Eureka 2010 at Day 20 or March 1, and Northridge and Haiti Earthquakes on Day 23 after a major winter snowstorm which will be March 4, 2013. Details early this week as to all those major winter storms and also note 5.7 Valparaiso, Chile @ with hundreds of felt reports on that USGS website. Please check my last EQ Blog to see Valparaiso, Chile. EQ Guy

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